Date – November 2011
Revere Offshore Ocean saves 4 off the coast of Alabama
November 5, 2011, I set out with a crew of 3 to go fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. During our journey I noticed the vessel felt heavy. All the engines had died and I knew we were in trouble!
Very shortly an 11-foot wave came over the transform and the vessel began to sink… in less than a minute. I got my life vest on while holding on to the satellite phone. I was able to climb in the raft first, and then found a doughnut throw which I used to sling to the other two in the crew. A couple of hours later the Coast Guard Cutter Cobia arrived. They informed us that they could see our life raft 2 mi. away with the orange canopy.
I personally know that without our raft we could have experienced hypothermia. I’m most grateful to the Coast Guard for their rescue and to Revere for the raft.